Premium Audits 

Providing physical on-location services in order to conduct the premium audit. Using advanced software, custom tailored to meet your needs. Talented professionals will schedule and set up the interview and site visit with your insureds. Your specific requirements will be addressed and are at the fore front of the work performed. Service is key, and timeliness is always within the guidelines you desire. Records are properly analyzed and data is submitted via secure solutions. Every visit should be a positive experience as we represent you, the client. 



Virtual & Phone Audits 

Much like a physical audit, we provide solutions for jobs and accounts that may not require a physical job to be completed. Even though the job is not physically done, the quality and service provided is of equal quality and excellence. The price point on this work is typically much less than that of a physical job which is often a plus when looking at lower premium or smaller risks. 



Physical Surveys

Surveys or Loss Control work that takes place at the insured's place of business(s) or job site depending on the nature of the business. Our experts look at the risk with the objective to save lives, property, and money. With that in mind, you can be assured knowing that we truly represent the Underwriter when in the field and are your "eyes and ears". Reports and forms are created based on your needs and input. We can deliver completed products in the format of your choosing. We know time is vital when it comes to Loss Control Surveys and we will work to get your job completed in the time frame you requested. We focus on each and every job. You matter, the work you send to us, matters.  




Phone & Virtual Surveys 

High quality Loss Control work at a lower price point than physical. With use of modern tools and technology we are able to provide a virtual report that is "near" physical in nature. We will create forms and questions based on your input and what you need in the reports. Telephone interviews take place as well as research via the internet and other databases. Insureds are contacted and interviewed just like the physical work.